General Notice

Subject: Winner: District Karate Championship 2023  Date: 2023-06-28

We are proud to announce that Merry Gold School has been declared the winner in the District Karate Championship 2023\r\n

General Notice

Subject: Rewards  Date: 2023-06-10

Th academic year begins in the First week of April and closes by the Mid-week of march -in the following year. The summer vacation is approximately for a month, from the e niddle of May to the middle of June,and the Christmas holidays for about week during the last of December till the begining of January of the following year. All other holidays (National or Regional) is notified on the first working day of the month in the monthly curriculm.\\r\\n\r\n

General Notice

Subject: ........ Date: ........

Th academic year begins in the First week of April and closes by the Mid-week of march -in the following year. The summer vacation is approximately for a month, from the e niddle of May to the middle of June,and the Christmas holidays for about week during the last of December till the begining of January of the following year. All other holidays (National or Regional) is notified on the first working day of the month in the monthly curriculm.